Germany’s Old Bunker.

The captain said” A abandoned WW1 bunker to capture for an advantage to win. He sends me to scout and capture the bunker by stealth.

Now why is this terrible war going on? Well, it’s because the Germans wanted to get more land to conquer the world. But since they invaded Poland, it made the close countries fight the axis. Now this is Mannhelm Germany, the place where one of the most secured German areas. (Well, no I’m just making this up).

As I walk up around the trenches, I try to find this bunker, but it is in either of the 6 sides of a hexagon-sided trench. I can’t go above to see because a lot of the battles are fought up there and if I try to see I will probably get shot. I wonder why this is happening. The leader need peace than a few million people dead. Anyway, I go to this bunker and look around it. “huh” I said. This place looks refurbished.

There was slight groaning in the below levels of this weird shelter. I guess it was made to withstand bombs for WW1. This track that was from the bunker is about 0.78km so I could run back if I tried.

There was a old german uniform on the table next to me and I do decide to use it even though it is a WW1 uniform, hopefully they don’t     recognize it.

The weird sounds below now seem fine to me, so I head down, but as I am walking down I realize it goes down 250ft. I just walk down, and it seemed fine. No people in sight but there was still a groaning sound from below. “There is next level”. I spoke. There was a little prison in this bunker. Think of it as a normal hallway with cells all along it. Thanks to the uniform, the prisoners threw a whole lot of rocks at me. But I say” I’m a spy that was sent by general Jetersberg”. They say” get us out of here!”. I now was trying to find a key for the cells but a weird sound is coming from my radio. I here a sound from a German general, He said” We will be bombing the bunker in 5 minutes for a distraction against the Americans do then we can flank to capture them. Or in actual German.

Wir werden den Bunker in 5 Minuten bombardieren, um die Amerikaner abzulenken, dann können wir flanken, um sie zu erobern.

Now i need to act fast, so first i get the prisoners out then run to base to tell gereral.

I just resorted to grabbing a German pistol on the shelf which was old as your grandpa. I shot the locks off and then they all thank me. I say there is no time to thank. One minute past, I explain a bomber plane will destroy the bunker. One asked if this will hold? I say no because it is very old now. Two minutes past. We run up the stairs, and go to the exit. It’s blocked off, so now I try to move it. I guess the last guy ran and covered it. I see a hatch to the top of the bunker. I opens perfectly, and what do we see? It’s a bunch of German guards waiting for us. It was a set up, and we got captured. The bombing did happen an hour later. We just got tricked and couldn’t tell the general. The axis, won the war because of that one battle.

The End                                                    

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