
I shall be talking about Windex the window and mirror cleaner.

Windex Original Blue Glass & Window Cleaner - 765ml | Walmart Canada

Now I will tell you how windex was created. Windex was created by an American man by the name of Philip Dracket. This was during the great depression in 1936 when instead of a home window cleaner it was used as a car windshield cleaner.

The windex was in a glass container and didn’t have a spray on top so it did look like a blue drink. The windex was blue to make it stand out from the others. The kid that drank this said he was popping a mini.

Vintage Bottle of Windex | eBay

Hexoxyethanol is a cleaning chemical or substance that will loosen the dirt or other things to then be wiped and absorbed. Ammonia is a big ingredient in windex so that it will remove stains with ease but also not hurt the glass. There is one thing that will possibly be better than windex and that is vinegar. This is because it’s very acidic and will kill lots of things except your window or glass mirror.

How Does Vinegar Work for Cleaning | Kitchn
This is vinegar

Here is a link to see what not to put

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