Spring 2022

I live in a place where it gets wet or dry. So its either hot and humid or cold then wet. My house hasn’t been so lucky to be saved. Spring 2022 was the flooding round.

I wish it was drought but spring is known for water.

The thing I woke up from was my mother telling me the drive way was flooded. I thought no big deal, yeah it was a big deal and I was forced in little boots to check our workshop. I think you can guess what happened.

Wait you can’t well it’s also flooded and I was heading back I fell. Luckily only my leg went in and I went to the house. Guess what my whole leg was frozen and felt numb. If you think this was bad it got worse the basement got flooded and the alarm went off. Everything in the basement was fine.

These are what my house looked like during spring 2022

This is the end of my blog if you want to learn more here is a link about floods.

Floods (getprepared.gc.ca)